How to write great content for your website

how to write great content for your website

What even is content?

It’s the pesky words on your site that tell potential customers what you do. It’s also the pesky words that tell search engines what you do. Without content, no one will be able to find you. If you found this article on Google, it’s likely that you typed in ‘how to write great content for your website’ or some variation of this.

Because I was able to optimize my content for search engines, you were able to find it.

The internet is full of bad content. Luckily, Google and other search engines are hoping to put an end to this. When Google periodically updates the algorithm, they often give it a cutesy name. The last noteworthy update for content writers was the Panda update.  The aim of this update was to stop unscrupulous content farms from manipulating the rankings with thin or low-quality content.

The thing about writing great content for your website is that you don’t have to be an aspiring novelist to manage it. True, you can outsource it – I know a great web content writer – but you can also manage this on your own. I know that not every business owner can afford to hire a content writer. The good news is that you can vastly improve your website content quickly and easily in just an afternoon.

How to write great content for your website in an afternoon

Writing great content isn’t about stringing together the most complicated or quirky words. People hate that. Keep it simple and to the point. When you sit down to refresh your website content, think about these things:

  • Keep it short. Short sentences, short paragraphs, short words. It might seem basic af, but simple content is readable.
  • Avoid jargon. Assume the reader knows nothing about your business and industry.
  • Avoid the passive voice. If you aren’t sure if you’re using the passive voice, try Grammarly. This will help you to catch a lot of spelling errors, too.
  • Don’t forget a call to action. What do you want the reader to do when they have finished reading your content? Be forward and tell them, don’t assume they will know.
  • Think about the reader. What do they need to know? If you’re struggling to hit the 300-word limit, it can help to get a second opinion to see if you’re missing any important information
  • Avoid repetition. Web content is scanned, not read, so you don’t want to be covering the same ground over and over.
  • Put the good stuff up front. You’re not writing for the Guardian, you don’t have to keep the reader interested, so don’t be afraid to lead with your best line.
  • Make every page a landing page. Your customer might not land on your homepage. They could arrive anywhere on your site, so every page has to make total sense on its own.
  • Show and tell. Use images where needed to get your point across.

So there you have it, now you know how to write great content for your website.  Once you’ve spruced up your website content, there’s nothing to stop you revisiting it in 6 months time. Just beware the eternal tinkerer. Don’t stress about your website content. And if it’s keeping you awake at night, you can always get in touch with me to have a chat about your goals.

