Fitness copywriter

Copywriting that does the heavy lifting

The right words can inspire, motivate and drive even the most reluctant client to want to work out. Personal trainers, gyms and fitness studios can all benefit from SEO and content marketing.

first impressions are everything. Is your website pulling its weight?

Your website can make or break you. It’s the first thing your potential customer sees. And if they don’t like it, they will click away fast.

What if you could make your gym, personal trainer, or exercise business look even better with a fitness copywriter?

I’m a fitness enthusiast with a passion for helping small business owners to grow, increase their profits, future-proof their business and motivate their clients. 

If you need help attracting new clients and converting them into lifelong customers, drop me an email today to see how I can help you too!

Why should you hire a specialist fitness copywriter?

I know that if I want results in the gym, working with a professional will help me get there faster. I could read tutorials, figure out the equipment and risk injury on my own. Or, I can hire someone to plan my workouts, motivate me and keep me on track for success.

Copywriting is exactly the same. You can do this yourself, but if you want to free up time to work with clients instead of stressing about the words on your website, blog, social media and promo emails, it’s time to bring in the professionals.

I can help you speak directly to your ideal target customers and get discovered. A well-ranking website will generate new leads, month after month, making your business future-proof. No more chasing new sign-ups.

And through intelligent email marketing campaigns, you can reengage lapsed customers to get them moving again.

Top Reasons Your Fitness Marketing Isn’t Working

  1. You don’t own the platform. Building your business on social media is a recipe for disaster. Organic reach is falling, so you have to work harder to get noticed. With your own website, you build it once and the leads keep coming.
  2. You aren’t building trust. There are so many opportunities to build trust during the customer journey. Good copywriting can help you make the most of them.
  3. You try to speak to everyone at once. Reluctant gym-goers don’t speak the same language as performance athletes. Diversify your language and approach to make sure everyone feels included.
  4. You don’t know your audience. Sometimes, it’s as simple as not knowing who you are speaking to. By understanding your audience, your copywriting will have more impact.
  5. You’re too focused on sales. Yes, sales are important, but you should focus on giving your audience something of value before you go in for the sale.
  6. You’re not using a call to action. This is the easiest way to shoot yourself in the foot. If you’ve captured their attention, give them an easy next step!

A few of my happy clients

Providing copywriting services for a wide range of global fitness brands.


No, I write for many different industries, but I find that the days go faster when I’m working on projects I’m passionate about. I love working with personal trainers, gyms and fitness studios because of the passion they bring to their business.

I specialise in the following types of fitness copywriting:

  • Blogging
  • Website content
  • Newsletters
  • Emails

I’m not the most expensive, but I’m also not the cheapest. 

If you’re interested in working with me, head to my contact page and fill in the form as best you can. I’ll be in touch shortly after to discuss a good time to talk about your dental practice.

About me

I’m a freelance writer and digital marketing specialist with extensive experience in the health, wellness and fitness industry. I love getting to know small business owners and teaching them how to deliver value to their clients through digital marketing and effective copywriting.

Laura Howarth Freelance Writer