I’m a firm believer that your surroundings have a huge impact on your mood. When I’m feeling crummy and uninspired, I usually take a little bit of time to tidy up and I soon feel better. This is probably why I also love spending time browsing Pinterest for home work environment inspiration. Pure white surfaces, inspiring artwork and copper accessories are my latest obsessions.
One thing I always notice when I’m pinning endless pictures is that most of the home office spaces are completely impractical. They might look great, but they’re not going to help you get your work done. With this in mind, here’s what you really need to create your ideal home work environment.
A dedicated space
If you’re planning to work from home on a regular basis, you need to move away from the kitchen table and give yourself some space. Find space for a desk somewhere in your home, ideally in a spare bedroom. At times when you need to focus, you’re going to love being able to close the door and switch off from the outside world.
Natural light
While a cubby hole in the hallway might be perfectly Instagrammable, it’s not going to cut it in the long term. I’ve tried working in a windowless hallway because we have a huge space that was perfect for a desk, but I soon found it completely impractical. I soon found myself gravitating towards the living room just for some sunlight.

A decent chair
Yes, that knockoff Eames chair would look great with a faux sheepskin draped over it. But you’re not going to want to sit on it for 7+ hours a day. Maybe it’s just because I’m getting older, but I’m starting to appreciate the importance of lumbar support. You don’t have to spend a lot on a chair, you can just upgrade a cheap desk chair with a simple back support.
Surround yourself with images that inspire you. I have family photos, a few prints that always make me smile and then a giant white board I can use for planning. This helps me to stay focused and inspired, no matter how much work I have stacked up.
Somewhere to escape to
Even if you’re working from home, it makes sense to have somewhere to escape to when the cabin fever strikes. This could be a coffee shop or even a coworking space. I will either head to a cafe in the park or to the local library if I need a change of scenery. When you’re new to working from home, it really helps to be able to go back to a more traditional work environment. Hot desking at a coworking space is perfect.
Closing thoughts
Ultimately, the ideal home work environment includes anything that will actually help you to work. You need to be comfortable. You need access to hot drinks. And you need to be able to change your scenery when things aren’t working for you.