interior design copywriter

Copywriting that captures your style.

Creating beautiful spaces goes beyond just design – it requires a compelling narrative that captures the essence of your vision and communicates it effectively to your audience. This is where I can help.

In the world of interior design, every project tells a story. Whether it’s a cosy residential makeover or a sleek corporate office, the design elements reflect a unique narrative.

An interior design copywriter weaves this narrative into engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

From website content and blog posts to social media updates and promotional materials, well-crafted copy can highlight the intricate details of your designs, showcase your expertise, and build a strong connection with potential clients.

What can a specialist interior design copywriter help with?

Compelling Website Content: Transform your website into a virtual showroom. Our copy brings your portfolio to life, showcasing your best work and conveying your design philosophy.

Engaging Blog Posts: Keep your audience informed and inspired with regular blog updates. We cover trends, tips, and behind-the-scenes insights that establish your authority in the industry.

Persuasive Marketing Materials: From brochures to newsletters, our persuasive copy drives engagement and encourages clients to take action, whether it’s booking a consultation or attending an event.

Captivating Social Media Content: Enhance your social media presence with posts that not only attract attention but also foster community and interaction among your followers.

Top Reasons Your Interior Design Copywriting Isn't Working

  1. Lack of Visual Descriptions: Your copy may not be vividly describing the spaces and design elements, leaving potential clients unable to visualize your work. Effective interior design writing should paint a clear picture of the aesthetics and atmosphere you create.
  2. Unclear Value Proposition: If your writing doesn’t clearly convey the unique benefits and value of your design services, readers may not understand why they should choose you over competitors. Highlighting your unique selling points is crucial.
  3. Inconsistent Brand Voice: A scattered or inconsistent brand voice can confuse and alienate your audience. Consistent tone and style are essential to build trust and recognition among potential clients.

  4. Overly Technical Language: Using too much industry jargon or overly technical language can alienate potential clients who may not be familiar with design terminology. Your copy should be accessible and engaging for all readers, regardless of their background.

  5. Weak Calls to Action: If your copy lacks strong, clear calls to action, readers may not know what steps to take next. Effective copywriting should guide them toward contacting you, booking a consultation, or exploring your portfolio further.


No, I cover a lot of different sectors. Interior design and property renovation just happen to be subjects that interest me, so it makes sense to lean into more of what I love.

Professional copywriting can elevate your business by:

  • Showcasing your expertise and design philosophy.
  • Enhancing your brand voice and consistency.
  • Increasing your visibility through SEO-optimized content.
  • Engaging and educating your audience.
  • Encouraging potential clients to take action.

Interior design copywriters create a variety of content, including:

  • Website content (about pages, service descriptions, project showcases)
  • Blog posts (trends, tips, behind-the-scenes stories)
  • Social media content (posts, captions, updates)
  • Marketing materials (brochures, newsletters, email campaigns)
  • Press releases and case studies

Absolutely! Your input is valuable to ensure the content aligns with your vision and brand voice. You can be as hands-0n as you like, and I can work with you to ensure the finished product meets your expectations.

If you’re interested in working with me, head to my contact page and fill in the form as best you can. I’ll be in touch shortly after to discuss a good time to talk about your interior design business.

About me

I’m a freelance writer and digital marketing specialist with experience working in the interior design sector. I love getting to grips with a new copywriting challenge and capturing the energy and passion that interior designers have for their work.

Laura Howarth Freelance Copywriter